Legere utile est
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Wave Band EPR Spectroscopy of Condensed Systems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, 1995. Preface and Contents 0.65 mb
V.I. Krinichnyi, Multi Frequency EPR Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers and Their Nanocomposites, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl, 2016. Contents and Preface 0.33 mb. The book is included in the funds of The Russian State Library, Moscow, The Library of Scientific Center RAS, Chernogolovka, as well as
The Nikolai Lobachevsky Scientific Library, Kazan.
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Wave Band EPR Spectroscopy of Condensed Systems, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Baca Raton, Fl., 2017. Preface and Contents 1.9 mb
V.I. Krinichnyi, High-Field ESR spectroscopy of conductive polymers, in Advanced ESR Methods in Polymer Research, S. Schlick, Ed., John Wiley, New York, Chichester, 2006, Ch. 12, pp. 307-338. Preface and Contents of the Chapter 12 [ Full text 460 kb (with the publisher permision)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Light-Induced EPR spectroscopy of charge carriers photoinduced in polymer/fullerene composites, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Composites: Properties, Performance and Applications, M. Lechkov and S. Prandzheva, Eds., NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2010, Ch. 11, pp. 417-446. Preface and Contents of the Chapter 11 [ Full text 400 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Relaxation and dynamics of spin charge carriers in polyaniline, in Advances in Materials Science Research, M.C. Wythers, Ed., V. 17, NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2014, Ch.5, pp. 109-160. Abstract [ Full text 620 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR spectroscopy of polymer:fullerene nanocomposites, in Spectroscopy of Polymer Nanocomposites, D. Rouxel, S. Thomas, and D. Ponnamma, Eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016, Ch. 9, pp. 202-275 Abstract and Contents of Chapter 9 [ Full text 1.69 mb (with the publisher permision)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR spectroscopy of polarons in conjugated polymers and their nanocomposites, in Polarons: Recent Progress and Perspectives, A. Laref, Ed., NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2018, Ch. 1, pp. 1-105 Preface and Contents of Chapter 1 [ Full text 1.75 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Polymer Characterization: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, H.F. Mark, Ed., John Wiley, New York, Chichester, 2018, pp. 1-47. Preface and Contents of Chapter [ Full text 1.1 mb) (with the publisher permision)]

V.I. Krinichnyi, Dynamics of spin charge carriers in polyaniline, Appl. Phys. Rev., 1 (2014) 021305/01 - 021305/40. Abstract [ Full text 1.24 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Waveband electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of conducting polymers, Synth. Met., 108 (2000) 173-222. Abstract [ Full text 0.42 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of nonlinear excitations in conducting polymers. Polyaniline, Russ. Chem. Bull., 49 (2000) 207-233. Abstract [ Full text 1.8 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Relaxation and dynamics of charge carriers in organic polymer semiconductors: Polyacetylene, Phys. Solid State, 39 (1997) 1-13. Abstract [ Full text 381 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by high-resolution 2-mm wave band ESR, J. Biochem. Biophys. Meths., 23 (1991) 1-30. Abstract [ Full text 520 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of nonlinear excitations in conducting polymers. Heteroaromatic polymers, Russ. Chem. Rev., 65 (1996) 521-536. Abstract [ Full text 0.37 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by high resolution 2-mm wave band EPR, Appl. Magn. Reson., 2 (1991) 29-60. Abstract [ Full text 2.2 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of non-linear excitations in conducting polymers. Polyacetylene, Russ. Chem. Rev., 65 (1996) 81-93. Abstract [ Full text 0.64 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by EPR method of high spectral resolution at 2-mm wave band, J. Appl. Spectr., 52 (1990) 575-591. Abstract [ Full text 0.634 mb]

The 2020s
V.I. Krinichnyi, DFT and EPR study of spin-assisted processes in poly(3-alkylthiophene) oligomers and their composites, Synth. Met., 305 (2024) 117596. Abstract [ Full text 0.9 mb Supplementary material 0.07 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, DFT and EPR study of spin excitations in oxidized thiophene-based conjugated oligomers, Adv. Energy Conver. Mater., 5 (2024) 321-328. Abstract [ Full text 0.4 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Study of the role of conformation of thiophene oligomers on their electronic and magnetic properties, High Energy Chem., 58 (2024) 166–173. Abstract [ Full text 0.9 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Spin-Dependent control of electronic and magnetic properties of 3-alkylthiophene oligomers and their composites with aromatic nanoadditives, High Energy Chem., 58 (2024) 281–294. Abstract [ Full text 0.9 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, Light-Induced EPR study of polymorphic acene-stipulated transition in P3DDT:PC61BM composite, J. Phys. Chem. C, 126 (2022) 4495–4507. Abstract [ Full text 0.7 mb]
A. Konkin, U. Ritter, A.A. Konkin, A. Knauer, V.I. Krinichnyi, V. Klochkov, A. Aganov, M. Gafurov, F. Wendler, P. Scharff, PPDN and NTCDA radical anions formation in EMIM-DCA, BMIM-BF4, EMIM-AC ionic liquid solutions under the steady state UV and VIS light illumination: A combined X-, K-band EPR and DFT study, J. Mol. Liq., 362 (2022) 119631. Abstract [ Full text 0.95 mb Supplementary material 0.79 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, A.A. Konkin, U. Ritter, V.R. Bogatyrenko, A.L. Konkin, Light-Induced Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of charge transport in fullerene and nonfullerene PBDB-T-based solar cells, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125 (2021) 12224–12240. Abstract [ Full text 1.0 mb Supporting Information 0.66 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Magnetic-Field-Controlled charge transport in organic polymer composites, Chem. Phys. Lett., 778 (2021) 138787. Abstract [ Full text 0.41 mb); Permisions: P1, P2, and P3]
E.I. Yudanova, V.I. Krinichnyi, N.N. Denisov, EPR study of photogeneration of spin charge carriers in fullerene-free polymer composites PBDB-T:IT-M, High Energy Chem., 55 (2021) 266–272. Abstract [ Full text 0.32 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, A.A. Konkin, U. Ritter, B. Wessling, A. Konkin, V.R. Bogatyrenko, Impact of spin-exchange interaction on charge transfer in dual-polymer photovoltaic composites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 (2020) 10852-10869. Abstract [ Full text 1.0 mb Supporting Information 0.2 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, V.R. Bogatyrenko, Effects of small-molecule-doping on spin-assisted processes in P3DDT:PC61BM photovoltaics, Synth. Met., 267 (2020) 116462. Abstract [ Full text 0.86 mb)]
E.I. Yudanova, V.I. Krinichnyi, N.N. Denisov, Light-Induced EPR study of the effect of coumarin trace additives on spin dynamics in the P3DDT/PC61BM polymer composite, High Energy Chem., 54 (2020) 246-253. Abstract [ Full text 0.21 mb)]
The 2010s
V.I.Krinichnyi, E.I.Yudanova, N.N.Denisov, V.R.Bogatyrenko, Light-Induced electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of spin-assisted charge transfer in narrow-bandgap copolymer:methanofullerene composites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123 (2019) 16533-16545. Abstract [ Full text 0.55 mb)]
V.I.Krinichnyi, E.I.Yudanova, V.R.Bogatyrenko, Light-Induced EPR study of spin-assisted charge transport in PFOT:PC61BM composite, J. Photochem. Photobiol., 372 (2019) 288-295. Abstract [ Full text 0.75 mb)]
E.I. Yudanova, V.I. Krinichnyi, V.R. Bogatyrenko, N.N. Denisov, D.I. Nazarov, Influence of photogeneration frequency on the transport of spin charge carriers in the copolymer–methanofullerene composite: EPR study, High Energy Chem., 53 (2019) 219-227. Abstract [ Full text 0.38 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Polymer Characterization: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, H.F. Mark, Ed., John Wiley, New York, Chichester, 2018, pp. 1-47. Preface and Contents of Chapter [ Full text 0.75 mb) (with the publisher permision)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR spectroscopy of polarons in conjugated polymers and their nanocomposites, in Polarons: Recent Progress and Perspectives, A. Laref, Ed., NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2018, Ch. 1, pp. 1-105 Preface and Contents of Chapter 1 [ Full text 1.8 mb)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, V.R. Bogatyrenko, Effect of spin localization on charge transport in low-bandgap bilayered ordered nanocomposites", Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 174 (2018) 333-341 Abstract [ Full text 420 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Wave Band EPR Spectroscopy of Condensed Systems, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Baca Raton, Fl., 2017. [ Preview 0.59 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, V.R. Bogatyrenko, Effect of spin traps on charge transport in low-bandgap copolymer:fullerene composites, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 111 (2017) 153-159. Abstract [ Full text 0.43 mb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Multi Frequency EPR Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polymers and Their Nanocomposites, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl, 2016. Contents and Preface
V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR spectroscopy of polymer:fullerene nanocomposites, in Spectroscopy of Polymer Nanocomposites, D. Rouxel, S. Thomas, and D. Ponnamma, Eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016, Ch. 9, pp. 202-275 Abstract and Contents of Chapter 9 [ Full text 1.9 mb (with the publisher permision)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Light-Induced EPR spectroscopy of charge transfer in low-band-gap PCDTBT:PC71BM bulk heterojunctions, IEEE J. Photovolt., 6 (2016) 506-515 Abstract [ Full text 330 kb]
E.I. Yudanova, V.R. Bogatyrenko, V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR Study of spin interactions in poly(3-dodecylthiophene):fullerene/polyaniline:p-toluenesulfonic acid composite, High Energy Chem., 50 (2016) 132-138 Abstract [ Full text 500 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Influence of morphology of low-band-gap PCDTBT:PC71BM composite on photoinduced charge transfer: LEPR spectroscopy study, Synth. Met., 210B (2015) 148-155 Abstract [ Full text 0.45 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Relaxation and dynamics of spin charge carriers in polyaniline, in Advances in Materials Science Research, M.C. Wythers, Ed., V. 17, NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2014, Ch.5, pp. 109-160. Abstract [ Full text 446 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Dynamics of spin charge carriers in polyaniline, Appl. Phys. Rev., 1 (2014) 021305/01 - 021305/40. Abstract [ Full text 1.1 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, The role of spin exchange in charge transfer in low-bandgap polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunctions, J. Chem. Phys., 141 (2014) 044906/01-044906/11 Abstract [ Full text 0.42 mb]
A. Konkin, U. Ritter, P. Scharff, G. Mamin, A. Aganov, S. Orlinskii, V. Krinichnyi, D. A. M. Egbe, G. Ecke, H. Romanus, Multifrequency X,W-band ESR study on photo-induced ion radical formation in solid films of mono- and di-fullerenes embedded in conjugated polymers, Carbon, 77 (2014) 11-17 Abstract [ Full text 0.29 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, B. Wessling, Influence of spin–spin exchange on charge transfer in PANI-ES/P3DDT/PCBM composite, Synth. Met., 179 (2013) 67-73 Abstract [ Full text 390 kb]
E.I. Yudanova, V.I. Krinichnyi, Influence of ultrasonic, microwave, and thermal effects on photoinduced charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)-Methanofullerene composites: EPR study, Polymer Sci., 55 (2013) 233-243 Abstract [ Full text 500 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Light-Induced EPR study of charge transfer in P3HT/PC71BM bulk heterojunctions, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 9189-9195 Abstract [ Full text 320 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.L. Konkin, A.P. Monkman, Electron paramagnetic resonance study of spin centers related to charge transport in metallic polyaniline, Syth. Met., 162 (2012) 1147–1155 Abstract [ Full text 370 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Structural effect of electron acceptor on charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)/methanofullerene bulk heterojunctions, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 95 (2011) 2302–2313 Abstract [ Full text 440 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Light-induced EPR study of charge transfer in P3HT/bis-PCBM bulk heterojunctions, AIP Advances, 1 (2011) 022131/1–022131/15 Abstract [ Full text 360 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Light-Induced EPR spectroscopy of charge carriers photoinduced in polymer/fullerene composites, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Composites: Properties, Performance and Applications, M. Lechkov and S. Prandzheva, Eds., NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2010, Ch. 11, pp. 417-446. Preface and Contents of the Chapter 11 [ Full text 400 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.G. Spitsina, Light-induced electron paramagnetic resonance study of poly(3-alkylthiophene)/fullerene composites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114 (2010) 16756–16766 Abstract [ Full text 0.39 mb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.A. Balakai, Spin localization in poly(3-Dodecylthiophen)/PCBM composite, Appl. Magn. Reson., 39 (2010) 319-328 Abstract [ Full text 435 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, EPR Study of photoinduced charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)-fullerene composite, Polymer Sci. A, 52 (2010) 715-726 Abstract [ Full text 390 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR study of charge transfer in poly-3-dodecylthiophene/fullerene system, Polymer Sci. A, 52 (2010) 26-33 Abstract [ Full text 210 kb]
The 2000s
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, N.N. Denisov, Light-induced EPR study of charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene bulk heterojunction, J. Chem. Phys., 131 (2009) 044515-1-044515-11 Abstract [ Full text 360 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.I. Yudanova, Light-Induced EPR spectroscopy of charge carriers photoinduced in polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunctions, J. Renew. Sust. Energy, 1 (2009) 043110-1-043110-18 Abstract [ Full text 440 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Dynamics of charge carriers photoinduced in poly(3-dodecylthiophene)/fullerene composite, Acta Mater., 56 (2008) 1426-1434 Abstract [ Full text 270 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The 140-GHz (D-band) saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance studies of macromolecular dynamics in conducting polymers, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112 (2008) 9746-9752 Abstract [ Full text 240 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, P.A. Troshin, N.N. Denisov, The effect of fullerene derivative on polaronic charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene compound, J. Chem. Phys., 128 (2008) 164715-1 - 164715-7 Abstract [ Full text 360 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Y.N. Demianets, S.A. Mironova, Charge transfer in poly(3-octylthiophene) modified by fullerene derivative, Physica E, 40 (2008) 2829 - 2833 Abstract [ Full text 500 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, An ESR study of photoinduced charge transport in the polymer/fullerene system, High Energy Chem., 42 (2008) 572-575 Abstract [ Full text 190 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Waveband saturation transfer electron paramagnetic resonance of conducting polymers, J. Chem. Phys., 129 (2008) 134510-134518 Abstract [ Full text 300 kb, WWW]
V.I. Krinichnyi, P.A. Troshin, N.N. Denisov, Structural effect of fullerene derivative on polaron relaxation and charge transfer in poly(3-hexylthiophene)/fullerene composite, Acta Mater., 56 (2008) 3982–3989 Abstract [ Full text 270 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Dynamics of charge carriers photoinduced in poly(3-dodecylthiophene)/fullerene bulk heterojunction, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 92 (2008) 942 - 948 Abstract [ Full text 630 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, S. Sensfuss, M. Schrödner, M. Al-Ibrahim, Dynamics of photoinduced radical pairs in poly(3-dodecylthiophene)/fullerene composite, Physica E, 36 (2007) 98-101 Abstract [ Full text 200 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, High-Field ESR spectroscopy of conductive polymers, in Advanced ESR Methods in Polymer Research, S. Schlick, Ed., John Wiley, New York, Chichester, 2006, Ch. 12, pp. 307-338. Preface and Contents of the Chapter 12 [ Full text 640 kb (with the publisher permision)]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, M. Schrödner, B. Wessling, EPR study of polyaniline highly doped by p-toluenesulfonic acid, Polymer, 47 (2006) 7460-7468 Abstract [ Full text 390 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, M. Schrödner, B. Wessling, EPR study of charge transfer in polyaniline highly doped by p-toluenesulfonic acid, Synth. Met., 156 (2006) 1368–1377 Abstract [ Full text 410 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, S.V. Tokarev, H.-K. Roth, M. Schrödner, and B. Wessling, Multifrequency EPR study of metal-like domains in polyaniline, Synth. Met., 152 (2005) 165-168 Abstract [ Full text 450 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, S.V. Tokarev, Charge transfer in polyaniline highly doped by p-toluenesulfonic acid, Polymer Sci. A, 47 (2005) 444-454 Abstract [ Full text 331 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi and H.-K. Roth, EPR study of spin and charge dynamics in slightly doped poly(3-octylthiophene), Appl. Magn. Reson., 26 (2004) 395-415 Abstract [ Full text 1.6 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, and A.L. Konkin, Multifrequency EPR study of charge transfer in poly(3-alkylthiophenes), Physica B, 344 (2004) 430-435. Abstract [ Full text 260 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, and G. Hinrichsen, EPR and charge transfer in H2SO4-doped polyaniline, Synth. Met., 135-136 (2003) 431-432. Abstract [ Full text 289 kb]
H.-K. Roth and V.I. Krinichnyi, Spin and charge transport in poly(3-octylthiophene), Synth. Met., 137 (2003) 1431-1432. Abstract [ Full text 323 kb]
S. Sensfuss, A. Konkin, H.-K. Roth, M. Al-Ibrahim, U. Zhokhavets, G. Gobsch, V.I. Krinichnyi, G.A. Nazmutdinova, and E. Klemm, Physical studies on poly(3-alkylthiophene)/fullerene composites for solar cells, Synth. Met., 137 (2003) 1433-1434. Abstract [ Full text 317 kb]
A.L. Konkin, V.G. Shtyrlin, R.R. Garipov, A.V. Aganov, A.V. Zakharov, V.I. Krinichnyi, P.N. Adams, and A.P. Monkman, EPR, charge transport, and spin dynamics in doped polyanilines, Phys. Rev. B, 66 (2002) 075203-1 - 075203-11. Abstract [ Full text 197 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, and M. Schrödner, Spin charge carrier dynamics in poly(bis-alkylthioacetylene), Appl. Magn. Reson., 23 (2002) 1-17. Abstract [ Full text 229 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, H.-K. Roth, G. Hinrichsen, F. Lux, and K. Lüders, EPR and charge transfer in H2SO4-doped polyaniline, Phys. Rev. B, 65 (2002) 155205-1 - 155205-14. Abstract. [ Full text 204 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Non-linear 2-mm waveband EPR spectroscopy of spin/charge excitations in organic semiconductors, Physica B, 308-310 (2001) 1003-1006. Abstract [ Full text 118 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.L. Konkin, P. Devasagayam, and A.P. Monkman, Multifrequency EPR study of charge transport in doped polyaniline, Synth. Met., 119 (2001) 281-282. Abstract [ Full text 252 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Waveband electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of conducting polymers, Synth. Met., 108 (2000) 173-222. Abstract [ Full text 1.1 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of nonlinear excitations in conducting polymers. Polyaniline, Russ. Chem. Bull., 49 (2000) 207-233. Abstract [ Full text 2.5 mb]
The 1990s
H.-K. Roth, V.I. Krinichnyi, M. Schrödner, and R.-I. Stohn, Electronic properties of laser modified poly(bis-alkylthio-acetylene), Synth. Met., 101 (1999) 832-833. Abstract [ Full text 174 kb]
N.N. Denisov, V.I. Krinichnyi, and V.A. Nadtochenko, Spin properties of paramagnetic centers generated under irradiation of crystalline complexes of C60 with triphenylamine, Chem. Phys. Rep., 17 (1998) 1405-1415. Abstract [ Full text 280 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, I.B. Nazarova, L.M. Goldenberg, and H.-K. Roth, Spin dynamics in conducting poly(aniline), Polymer Sci. A, 40 (1998) 835-843. Abstract [ Full text 0.39 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, N.N. Denisov, H.-K. Roth, E. Fanghänel, and K. Lüders, Dynamics of paramagnetic charge carriers in poly(tetrathiafulvalene), Polymer Sci. A, 40 (1998) 1259-1269. Abstract [ Full text 0.42 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, S.D. Chemerisov, and Y.S. Lebedev, Mechanism of spin and charge transport in polyaniline, Polymer Sci. A, 40 (1998) 826-834. Abstract [ Full text 0.44 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Relaxation and dynamics of charge carriers in organic polymer semiconductors: Polyacetylene, Phys. Solid State, 39 (1997) 1-13. Abstract [ Full text 381 kb]
O.V. Belonogova, G.I. Likhtenstein, and V.I. Krinichnyi, Electron transfer in donor-acceptor pair in modified a-chymotrypsin. Effect of microviscosity, macroviscosity and local polarity, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 107 (1997) 35-42. Abstract [ Full text 290 kb]
N.N. Denisov, V.I. Krinichnyi, and V.A. Nadtochenko, Spin properties of paramagnetic centers photogenerated in crystals of complexes between C60 and TPA, in Fullerenes. Recent Advances in the Chemistryand Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, edited by K.Kadish, R.Ruoff, 97-14 (The Electrochemical Society Inc., Pennington, 1997), p.p. 139-147. Abstract [ Full text 55 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Y.S. Lebedev, and O.Y. Grinberg, Study of viscous liquids by spin micro- and macroprobe methods at 2-mm wave band EPR, Appl. Magn. Reson., 13 (1997) 259-267. Abstract [ Full text 125 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, S.D. Chemerisov, and Y.S. Lebedev, Charge transport in slightly doped polyaniline, Synth. Met., 84 (1997) 819-820. Abstract [ Full text 122 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, S.D. Chemerisov, and Y.S. Lebedev, EPR and charge-transport studies of polyaniline, Phys. Rev. B, 55 (1997) 16233-16244. Abstract [ Full text 247 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, R. Herrmann, E. Fanghänel, W. Mörke, and K. Lüders, Spin relaxation and magnetic properties of benzo-1,2,3-trithiolium radical cations, Appl. Magn. Reson., 12 (1997) 317-327. Abstract [ Full text 290 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of non-linear excitations in conducting polymers. Polyacetylene, Russ. Chem. Rev., 65 (1996) 81-93. Abstract [ Full text 2 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, The nature and dynamics of nonlinear excitations in conducting polymers. Heteroaromatic polymers, Russ. Chem. Rev., 65 (1996) 521-536. Abstract [ Full text 2.7 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, 2-mm Wave Band EPR Spectroscopy of Condensed Systems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, 1995. Contents and Preface
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, Y.S. Lebedev, L.I. Tkachenko, G.I. Kozub, A.L. Barra, L.C. Brunel, and J.B. Robert, Very high field EPR study of cis-polyacetylene and trans-polyacetylene, Appl. Magn. Reson., 7 (1994) 459-467. Abstract [ Full text 450 kb]
L.M. Goldenberg and V.I. Krinichnyi, Water-sensitive sensor based on modified poly(vinylchloride), Synth. Met., 53 (1993) 403-407. Abstract [ Full text 200 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, H.-K. Roth, and K. Lüders, Spin relaxation studies on conducting poly(tetrathiafulvalene), Appl. Magn. Reson., 4 (1993) 345-356. Abstract [ Full text 370 kb]
F. Lux, G. Hinrichsen, V.I. Krinichnyi, I.B. Nazarova, S.D. Chemerisov, and M.M. Pohl, Conducting islands concept for highly conductive polyaniline - recent results of TEM-measurements, X-ray-diffraction-measuremants, EPR-measurements, DC conductivity-measurements and magnetic susceptibility-measurements, Synth. Met., 55 (1993) 347-352. Abstract [ Full text 200 kb]
I.B. Nazarova, V.I. Krinichnyi, and L.M. Goldenberg, Schottky diodes based on poly(para-phenylene) and poly(1,4-dipyrrolobenzene), Synth. Met., 53 (1993) 399-402. Abstract [ Full text 260 kb]
H.-K. Roth and V.I. Krinichnyi, ESR studies on polymers with particular electronic and magnetic properties, Makromolek. Chem., Macromolec. Symp., 72 (1993) 143-159. Abstract [ Full text 270 kb]
L.I. Tkachenko, M.K. Makova, V.I. Krinichnyi, O.S. Roshchupkina, G.I. Kozub, I.M. Khrapova, and G.P. Belov, Synthesis and properties of polyacetylene formed using Ti(OBu)4-polyalumoxane catalysts, Polum. Sci., 35 (1993) 1409-1413. Abstract.
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, Study of spin dynamics in trans-polyacetylene at 2-mm waveband EPR, Synth. Met., 46 (1992) 1-12. Abstract [ Full text 400 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, Study of anisotropic spin dynamics in pristine trans-polyacetylene by means of 2-mm EPR spectroscopy, Synth. Met., 46 (1992) 13-22. Abstract [ Full text 300 kb]
B. Lubentsov, O. Timofeeva, S. Saratovskikh, V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, V. Dmitrenko, and M.L. Khidekel, The study of conducting polymer interaction with gaseous substances. 4. The water-content influence on polyaniline crystal structure and conductivity, Synth. Met., 47 (1992) 187-192. Abstract [ Full text 89 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by high-resolution 2-mm wave band ESR, J. Biochem. Biophys. Meths., 23 (1991) 1-30. Abstract [ Full text 515 kb]
L.M. Goldenberg, V.I. Krinichnyi, and I.B. Nazarova, The Schottky device based on doped poly(para-phenylene), Synth. Met., 44 (1991) 199-203. Abstract [ Full text 70 kb]
L.M. Goldenberg, A.E. Pelekh, V.I. Krinichnyi, O.S. Roshchupkina, A.F. Zueva, R.N. Lyubovskaja, and O.N. Efimiv, Investigation of poly(para-phenylene) obtained in electrochemical oxidation of benzene in the BuPyCl-AlCl3 melt and in organic solvents with oleum, Synth. Met., 43 (1991) 3071-3074. Abstract [ Full text 40 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by high resolution 2-mm wave band EPR, Appl. Magn. Reson., 2 (1991) 29-60. Abstract [ Full text 1.45 mb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, A.E. Pelekh, A.Y. Brezgunov, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, The EPR study of undoped polyacetylene, Mater. Sci. Eng., 17 (1991) 25. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, E.N. Ushakov, K.A. Arutyunyan, and N.V. Kostina, Study of microcrystalline cellulose by the 3-cm and 2-mm ranges EPR method, Biofizika, 36 (1991) 427-431. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.N. Eremenko, G.G. Rukhman, V.M. Geskin, and Y.A. Letuchy, Polyaniline based sensors for solution components, Synth. Met., 41 (1991) 1137-1138. Abstract [ Full text 96 kb]
A.E. Pelekh, V.I. Krinichnyi, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, The study of undoped polyacetylene by means of fast running at the 2-mm wave band of ESR, Synth. Met., 41 (1991) 111-111. Abstract
A.E. Pelekh, L.M. Goldenberg, and V.I. Krinichnyi, Study of dopped polypyrrole by the spin probe method at 3-cm and 2-mm waveband EPR, Synth. Met., 44 (1991) 205-211. Abstract [ Full text 88 kb]
A.E. Pelekh, V.I. Krinichnyi, A.Y. Brezgunov, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, ESR study of relaxational parameters of paramagnetic centers in polyacetylene, Polum. Sci. U.S.S.R. A, 33 (1991) 1731-1738. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by EPR method of high spectral resolution at 2-mm wave band, J. Appl. Spectr., 52 (1990) 575-591. Abstract [ Full text 1.5 mb]
L.M. Goldenberg, A.E. Pelekh, V.I. Krinichnyi, O.S. Roshchupkina, A.F. Zueva, R.N. Lyubovskaja, and O.N. Efimiv, Investigation of poly(p-phenylene) obtained by electrochemical oxidation of benzene in a BuPyCl-AlCl3 melt, Synth. Met., 36 (1990) 217-228. Abstract [ Full text 230 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, Investigation of biological systems by EPR method of high spectral resolution at 2-mm wave band, J. Appl. Spectr., 52 (1990) 887-905. Abstract [ Full text 1.5 mb]
The 1980s
V.I. Krinichnyi, L.I. Antsiferova, E.V. Lyubashevskaya, O.V. Belonogova, O.Y. Grinberg, and G.I. Likhtenshtein, EPR spectroscopy of spin-labeled reversed mycells in 2-mm range, Z. Fiz. Khim., 63 (1989) 3015-3021. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, L.I. Tkachenko, and G.I. Kozub, Investigation of irradiated cis-polyacetylene by 2-mm wave band EPR method, Khimich. Fizika, 8 (1989) 1282-1285. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.N. Yeremenko, G.G. Rukhman, Y.A. Letuchii, and V.M. Geskin, Sensors on the basis of organic conductive polymers - polyaniline, Polymer Sci. A, 31 (1989) 1819-1825. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, G.I. Kozub, and Y.S. Lebedev, Method of macrospine probe in the investigation of high-temperature superconducting materials, Khimich. Fizika, 8 (1989) 423-424. Abstract
E.A. Saratovskikh, V.S. Orlov, and V.I. Krinichnyi, EPR spectroscopic study of metallocomplexes of 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 38 (1989) 2274-2277. Abstract [ Full text 310 kb]
Z.G. Aliev, L.O. Atovmian, E.A. Saratovskikh, V.I. Krinichnyi, and V.G. Kartsev, The synthesis, structure and spectral characteristics of Cu-complexes with derivations of pycoline acid, Izv. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Khimich., 11 (1988) 2495-2501. Abstract
N.F. Golgshleger, Y.T. Epelbaum, V.I. Krinichnyi, and M.L. Khidekel, Polymerization of biphenylene under the action of aluminium chloride, Polum. Sci. U.S.S.R. B, 30 (1988) 669-671. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, A.A. Dubinskii, V.A. Livshits, Yu.A. Bobrov, and Y.S. Lebedev, Study of anisotropic molecular rotations by saturation transfer EPR spectroscopy at 2-mm wave band, Biofizika, 32 (1987) 534-535. Abstract [ Full text 240 kb]
L.I. Antsiferova, O.Y. Grinberg, A.A. Dubinskii, V.I. Krinichnyi, Y.S. Lebedev, Saturation transfer at 2-mm waveband EPR, Biofizika, 32 (1987) . Abstract [ Full text 220 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, E.I. Yudanova, M.L. Borin, and Y.S. Lebedev, Study of milecular mobility in biological membranes by 2-millimeter band electron spin resonance spectroscopy, Biofizika, 32 (1987) 59-63. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, E.I. Yudanova, E.V. Liubashevskaia, and L.I. Antsiferova, Study of lysozyme by a spin-label method in the 2-mm range, Biofizika, 32 (1987) 215-220. Abstract
A.F. Dmitruk, L.I. Kholoimova, V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, V.F. Shuvalov, and Y.S. Lebedev, Structure and properties of alkylperoxide radicals, Khimich. Fizika, 5 (1986) 479-483. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, I.K. Yusupov, R.M. Marupov, P.K. Bobodzhanov, G.I. Likhtenstein, and Y.S. Lebedev, 2-Millimeter band electron spin resonance study of spin-labeled cotton fiber, Biofizika, 31 (1986) 482-485. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.I. Grinberg, G.I. Likhtenshtein, and Y.S. Lebedev, Study of the effect of the microenvironment on magnetic resonance parameters of spin-labeled human serum albumin in a 2-mm ESR range, Biofizika, 30 (1985) 216-219. Abstract
V.I. Krinichnyi, O.Y. Grinberg, I.B. Nazarova, G.I. Kozub, L.I. Tkachenko, M.L. Khidekel, and Y.S. Lebedev, Polythiophene and polyacetylene conductors in the 3-cm and 2-mm electron spin resonance bands, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 34 (1985) 425-427. Abstract [ Full text 260 kb]
V.B. Zhukhovitskii, N.N. Ezhova, V.I. Krinichnyi, Y.A. Letuchii, A.M. Tonshin, K.M. Dyumaev, and M.L. Khidekel, Reactions of lithium phthalocyanine with various oxidizing agents, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div. Chem. Sci., 34 (1985) 2493-2497. Abstract [ Full text 450 kb]
V.I. Krinichnyi, V.F. Shuvalov, O.Y. Grinberg, and Y.S. Lebedev, The electron paramagnetic resonance of peroxide radicals at 2-mm waveband EPR, Khimich. Fizika, 1 (1983) 621-627. Abstract
The 1970s
V.A. Livshits, V.I. Krinichnyi, and A.N.Kuznetsov, A study of the character of molecular rotation of nitroxide radicals in liquids by ESR and dielectric relaxation methods, Chem. Phys. Lett., 45 (1977) 541-542. Abstract [ Full text 200 kb
V.A. Livshits, V.I. Krinichnyi, and A.N. Kuznetsov, Study of nature of Brown fast rotation of nitroxyl radicals in liquids, using electron spin resonance and dielectric relaxation methods, Z. Fiz. Khim., 51 (1977) 2120-2122. Abstract [ Full text 100 kb